Our sustainability concept and sustainability strategy are the result of a strategy development process that is successively driven forward. This approach allows us to meet the dynamic development of social expectations, regulatory requirements, scientific findings and the resulting necessities.
„As a society, the tasks we face today are completely different from those that we faced a few years ago, let alone decades ago. This means that we must continually revise our understanding of sustainability and stay on the ball. Climate and environment, tolerance and diversity, health, safety and well-being – these are issues that FC Bayern must also stand up for on a daily basis. Everyone expects this: our members and fans, partners and sponsors, employees - and last but not least, we ourselves.”
Jan-Christian Dreesen, CEO of FC Bayern München AG

How it started
During an initial survey, we analysed all of FC Bayern’s existing measures. This revealed that sustainable management has shaped FC Bayern for decades and therefore represents the present state of affairs of all strategic planning at FC Bayern. It also became clear that FC Bayern is already very active in many individual areas of the ecological and social dimensions – in line with its core social values.
Constantly developing our sustainability strategy, evaluationg areas of action and implementing sustainability issues in the organisational structures of the club, allows us to make the most of synergies between the individual areas and create an even greater impact.
Questions and suggestions regarding sustainability at FC Bayern can be submitted to the following e-mail address: sustainability@fcbayern.com |
In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
FC Bayern has aligned itself primarily with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development to improve the living conditions of people around the world. This agenda included the 17 sustainability goals, which were originally aimed at nations but can also be considered as a frame of reference for companies, sports clubs and sports associations. The SDGs include all the sustainability dimensions (economic, ecological and social) and are preceded by the five pillars: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

Taking our most important groups into account - fans & members, sponsors & partners, employees, politicians & local authorities
We surveyed internal and external interest groups (stakeholders) on sustainability issues. They were asked to evaluate: Which areas of action have the greatest impact on the club's sustainability? Which can contribute most to sustainable development in the environment and society?
We also asked the stakeholders: What expectations, needs and interests do you have in FC Bayern's sustainable activities?
As a result, we have identified fours fields of action
Together with external experts, FC Bayern derived twelve possible areas of action from the 17 sustainability goals, four of which we have prioritised. They form the basis of a new, impact-orientated sustainability strategy.
These four areas of action form the core of our sustainability strategy:
Diversity & inclusion
Health & safety
Climate & environment
Materials & supply chain
In the first phase of the strategy, we are focussing on the first three areas of action. In a second phase, we will focus on the materials and supply chains area of action, among others, in parallel with regulatory and legal developments.
In addition to the 17 SDGs, FC Bayern refers to other important references. For example, we are guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights when it comes to protecting human rights.
„(The Club) is committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights, taking into account the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and to acting in a sustainable manner.”
Statutes of FC Bayern Munich eV, Section 2 Purpose, tasks and values, para. 4)