The FC Bayern München eV annual general assembly will be held this year on 12 November, starting at 11:00 CET (admission from 9:00) in the Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle. Based on much feedback from members on the events in recent years, there are some changes for 2023. For example, the assembly is starting in the morning, and for the first time there will be a members' Stammtisch on the evening before, while the general conditions have also been optimised.
General event information:
Date: Sunday, 12 November from 11:00 CET, doors open at 9:00 CET (Entrance and exit is guaranteed from 9:00 until the end of the event)
Location: Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle, Grasweg 74, 81373 Munich
Admission: According to the club's articles of association, Section 8, only members who have been members of the club for at least one year or have been members since 1 January 2023 and have reached the age of 18 are admitted to the Annual General Meeting. Admission is only granted on presentation of a valid membership card and identity card.
Order of events
Item 1 Presdent's report
Item 2 Vice-presidents' reports
Item 3 Report of the auditors on the annual financial statements
Item 4 Discharge of the ppresiding committee
Item 5 Report of the management board of FC Bayern München AG
Item 6 Election of the auditing company for the annual financial statements
Item 7 Proposal of the presiding committee for a revision of the club statutes and submitted membership applications
Item 8 Miscellaneous
Travel information
Travel offers are available exclusively to members for the AGM:
To and from Germany
For the AGM you can book the Deutsche Bahn event ticket HERE at a nationwide fixed price:
- One-way ticket with train connection 1st class €84.90, 2nd class €51.90
- One-way ticket without train connection 1st class €106.90, 2nd class €72.90
To and from Austria, South Tyrol, Switzerland
There will also be a shuttle bus at a uniform fixed price (round trip) of €77.50. The following stops and routes will be offered:
- Bozen – Innsbruck – Munich – Innsbruck – Bozen
- Basel – Zürich – Konstanz – Munich – Konstanz – Zürich – Basel
The exact departure times and addresses can be found HERE. Booking is open until 20 October. Spaces are limited, so it is worth booking early. If the number of bookings is too low, the relevant journey can unfortunately not happen.
Members' Stammtisch
On Saturday after the home match against Heidenheim, FC Bayern invites you to a members' Stammtisch. Unfortunately this is already overbooked. Participants will be sent an access code via e-mail. Snacks and drinks will be available at a fair price on site.
Motion to amend articles of association
At this year's AGM, there will be a motion to amend the articles of association, which was developed in a partnership process together with the members. The process was guided externally by the law firm Lentze Stopper. Every member had the opportunity to contribute suggestions regarding the articles of association. The ideas were discussed together with the members in two statute forums - the final version will be presented as a motion at the annual general meeting.
The formal invitation to all members will be communicated in due course via member mailing, the club's website and the club magazine "51". FC Bayern would be pleased if as many members as possible participate in the event.
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