At the constituent meeting of FC Bayern's advisory board in the new year, Dr. Edmund Stoiber and Alexandra Schörghuber were unanimously re-elected to their positions as chairman and deputy chairwoman respectively. In Professor Dr. Herbert Henzler and Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, the German record champions also officially bid farewell to two long-time companions. In their place, the newly nominated Professor Dr. Marion Kiechle and Joachim Müller took part for the first time.
Herbert Hainer, FC Bayern president: "We are delighted that Edmund Stoiber and Alexandra Schörghuber will continue to lead the advisory board. Both are ideally suited to set the direction thanks to their strong personalities, their CVs and their expertise."
Dr. Edmund Stoiber: "On behalf of Alexandra Schörghuber, I would also like to thank the advisory board for their trust. Together, we will work on behalf of FC Bayern's interests in this body and look forward to serving the club as advisors."

In bidding farewell to Henzler, president Hainer recalled Franz Beckenbauer, who had given Henzler a role at FC Bayern. This was "a stroke of imperial genius. Franz always had a very good hand". Hainer thanked him "for his tireless work over the decades". Henzler was "a success maker". In von Pierer's case, he said, it was no coincidence that German Chancellors Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel had sought his advice. He was "a global door-opener, and wherever he is, he is always close to FC Bayern". It is an honour and an inspiration to know such people "at our side", said Hainer, linking his thanks with best wishes for the future and the hope that both will continue to be available to the club with advice.

Henzler had been a member of the advisory board since 1995 and a member of the supervisory board of FC Bayern München AG from 2003 to 2010. Von Pierer had been a member of the advisory board since 2010. Kiechle is professor at the Technical University of Munich and director of the Women's Clinic at the Rechts der Isar Hospital. Müller is CEO of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. In addition to Stoiber and Schörghuber, the other members of the advisory board are Dorothee Bär, Georg Fahrenschon, Peter Kerspe, Lars Klingbeil, Hildegard Müller, Dieter Reiter, Josef Schmid and Jochen Tschunke.
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