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Herbert Hainer at the 2025 Honours Day
FC Bayern

President Herbert Hainer: ‘Open-minded, forward-thinking, opinionated’

A cosy get-together with anecdotes of high spirits at the airport after promotion in 1965 or butterflies in the stomach for the 1970 World Cup, then the shared football experience in the stands of the Allianz Arena in "glorious weather" and a historic tifo throughout the stadium. It was the perfect setting for a beautiful and special tradition that FC Bayern carries out every season: at the anniversary matchday to mark 125 years of the German record champions' existence, president Herbert Hainer and the executive committee honoured all members who have been loyal to the club for decades at the home game against VL Bochum. This year, those who have been with the club for 50, 60 and 70 years were recognised at the Honours Day, as well as all those who celebrated 35 years of membership in 2024 as part of the honours matchday. "You are the most loyal of the loyal," said Hainer. "Personalities like you ultimately make FC Bayern FC Bayern."

65 people recognised for years of loyalty

Once again this year, Hainer together with his vice presidents Professor Dr. Dieter Mayer and Walter Mennekes did the honours, with stadium announcer Stephan Lehmann conducting. Before the match against Bochum, a total of 65 people were recognised for 50 years of membership, 77 for 60 years and three for 70 years over Munich roast park and grilled halibut in Eventbox 8 at the Allianz Arena. 1,111 members celebrated 35 years of FCB loyalty last year, and seats were specially reserved for them in the stands to watch the match with legends of the German record champions.

Herbert Hainer at the 2025 honours day

While the trio who have been with the club for 70 years were honoured individually, those celebrating 50 years received certificates, pins and the coveted 125th anniversary jersey in groups of five, and those with 60 years of FCB membership were named honorary members. Also present were Heiner Jüngling (member number 1), Reinhard Böker, Werner Olk, Ludwig Landerer and Reinhold Baier from the German record champions' honorary council. "It is particularly important for the club that you, our members, are so loyal and faithful to us," said Hainer, "and it is great that many members have remained with FC Bayern even after their active time and, for example, take on responsibility as members of the honorary council. This shows the special nature of FC Bayern, the diversity of its members and the family-like sense of community."

Born of passion

In 1900, the president continued, "17 young men wanted to found a football club. They were open-minded, forward-looking and future-orientated, opinionated and would not be dissuaded from their path. FC Bayern was born out of passion, shaped by the will to succeed, grown in the face of adversity, immortalised by its history – and it is supported by you, its loyal members and fans." The history of this club is "not in the countless trophies it has won - but in the stories about its legends, which you all continue to tell and which you all live".

Herbert Hainer at the 2025 Honours Day
FC Bayern

Wolfgang Neumayr, who was honoured for 70 years of FCB membership, once played for the Reds' school team himself and still remembers “how we got changed in the barracks”. For Klaus Nottensteiner, promotion in 1965 was the decisive factor in becoming a member. He had always been a fan, he says, "but when the team landed in Munich after the 8-0 win in Berlin, the plane hadn't yet come to a stop, so a friend and I were already carrying Adi Kunstwadl into the hall". He wore a tie that Rudi Nafziger had given him for the Honours Day: "I don't wear it often, that's why it's still so beautiful," said the 87-year-old. "A day like today can't be beaten, it's a dream." Gisela Mosler could only agree: "FC Bayern is like a family." She was honoured for 50 years of loyalty to the club, but her heart has been beating for FCB since the 1970 World Cup – in the truest sense of the word: "I had a crush on Gerd Müller when I was 14, he was the hero of my youth, and so I always remained loyal to FC Bayern." Jürgen Gaßner still remembers his first general meeting, "back then simply in a pub, unimaginable today". Sitting at the table with him were Dettmar Cramer, who had just become coach, as well as Franz Beckenbauer and Gerd Müller. They all signed his card, which he still holds in honour today.

You are the most loyal of the loyal. Personalities like you ultimately make FC Bayern FC Bayern.

Herbert Hainer

In video clips, the presidents and the jubilarians immersed themselves in the respective years in which they joined the club. From Bayern's only relegation to the beginning of the golden axis around Franz Beckenbauer, Sepp Maier and Gerd Müller, as well as initial successes such as the victories in the European Cup, there were a number of milestones that the jubilarians had experienced live. "We're proud that you've all come here today,’ said Hainer, before heading to the stands of the Allianz Arena, where the executive committee along with the two World Cup winners and FCB legends Raimond Aumann and Hansi Pflügler were available to take selfies, sign autographs and talk to the members who celebrated 35 years of loyalty to the club last year until kick-off.

Warm welcome for 400,000th member

Just before kick-off, the executive board officially welcomed FC Bayern's 400,000th member to the pitch. "Welcome and congratulations, Michael Spirkl," said Hainer and, together with Mayer and Mennekes, presented him with a special anniversary jersey, the historic membership card and the personalised scarf that everyone who joins the club receives."I've been an FC Bayern fan since I was a child – it's a huge honour to be standing here on the pitch of the Allianz Arena," said Spirkl. “Last year we had an unprecedented increase in membership, and 400,000 members mean 400,000 good reasons for us to continue on our path as FC Bayern – we will continue to do everything we can to bring joy to everyone here in the stadium," explained the president. Members of FC Bayern's new TEENS CLUB, which is aimed at young people between the ages of 14 and 17, were drawn by lot to form the backdrop for the award ceremony. "The TEENS CLUB is all about active participation, with behind-the-scenes visits, workshops and various options for exchange," added Hainer. "Today, for example, there is also a TEENS CLUB event with a tour of the stadium and museum and a visit to the match. The FC Bayern family is growing, which makes us all proud."

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