All you need to know about Red against Racism
Red against Racism
The "Red against Racism" initiative for diversity, tolerance and cosmopolitanism was developed from within FC Bayern in 2020. "Standing up for diversity means dealing with the relevant social challenges in terms of content, engaging in self-critical and interested exchanges, understanding and acting," says president Herbert Hainer: "With its 'Red against Racism' initiative, FC Bayern would like to make a contribution to society by raising people's awareness of the social challenges of our time."
With the club-wide initiative against discrimination of any kind, FC Bayern represents its values to the outside world and also reinforces them internally through constant dialogue with its employees, members and fans. This takes place, for example, through panel discussions and workshops with external experts, targeted joint campaigns by all departments and regular consultations on how to establish the content of the initiative in the long term.
"In a functioning society, you can't always talk about an open world and great values only when it benefits you. It's about sensible co-operation, a mutual exchange, mutual respect and tolerance," says Bayern player Thomas Müller. "We never tire of raising awareness of the issue of racism."

The initiative has become an inclusive lighthouse project - whether among the professional footballers and basketball players, in the various departments or behind the scenes at the club. A team of around 20 people from a wide range of FC Bayern departments is now involved in "Red against Racism". Regular meetings and workshops are held to plan current campaigns and all aspects of the initiative and its strategic direction. The overriding aim is to have an impact both internally and externally and to demonstrate, live and consolidate a clear stance fostering diversity. This includes positioning ourelves in the public eye and reaching as many people as possible across different target groups.
As part of the initiative, a guideline for action was also developed to provide all athletes, coaches, managers and employees of FC Bayern with guidance to help them deal with the issue of discrimination and to highlight various specific options for action. Herbert Hainer: "No-one should feel excluded - neither in sport nor in our society. That's why we as the FC Bayern family say clearly and unequivocally: 'Red against Racism'!"