At its meeting on Tuesday evening, the administrative advisory board of FC Bayern Munich unanimously decided to nominate president Herbert Hainer for a second term in office. In addition, the committee nominated Professor Dr. Dieter Mayer (1st vice president) and Walter Mennekes (2nd vice president) again as candidates for their offices. The election of the executive will take place during the annual general meeting on 15 October in the Audi Dome.
Dr. Edmund Stoiber, chairman of the administrative board: "Herbert Hainer has led FC Bayern excellently in his three years as president as well as chairman of the supervisory board. He combines everything that FC Bayern needs: Herbert Hainer has a red heart, loves football passionately and has decades of unique experience as a decision-maker in business. We are happy with the way he leads this club, how he lives our 'Mia san mia', and we are convinced that, together with his colleagues on the executive commitee and supervisory board, he will continue to shape the future of FC Bayern in the club's best interests. Continuity has always been a hallmark of this club, and the fact that FC Bayern continues to set standards across Europe even during coronavirus is an absolute credit to the current management team."
Herbert Hainer, FC Bayern president: "I would like to thank our administrative advisory board and chairman Dr. Edmund Stoiber for their confidence in me and for the nomination, which I gladly accept. I would be very happy to serve the club as president for another three years. It is an honour for me to be a part of this club with its unique fanbase, and I am therefore happy to stand for election by the members. Ever since I stood on the terraces myself as a teenager, my heart has beaten for FC Bayern. I am delighted to be able to stand for election again together with my colleagues Professor Dr Dieter Mayer and Walter Mennekes."
This follows the FC Bayern Munich AG supervisory board's decision to extend the contract of board member for sport Hasan Salihamidžić until 30 June 2026:
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