Let us remember, lest we forget: as in previous years FC Bayern is marking the international Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism with a special initiative. From the official opening on 27 January up to and including 1 May 2016, the Church of Reconciliation at Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site is to host a special touring exhibition, “Venerated – Persecuted - Forgotten: Victims of National Socialism at FC Bayern München” (verehrt – verfolgt – vergessen: Opfer des Nationalsozialismus beim FC Bayern München).
The FC Bayern Museum touring exhibition was conceived and created in cooperation with the Church of Reconciliation in Dachau. It examines the fate of 56 club members who fled or were deported for religious or political reasons. Their geographical paths are traced on a map of the world. Nine biographical portraits, including those of honorary club presidents Kurt Landauer and Siegfried Herrmann, tell the story in detail. The exhibits also illuminate the role played by FC Bayern during the period.
The exhibition is available on loan to interested galleries, museums, fan clubs and schools.